Terms & conditions
(including but not limited to the following)
Whilst the safety and wellbeing of all pets left in our care is our primary objective, things do not always go to plan and pets can be unpredictable, therefore:
Your pet must be fit, healthy and fully vaccinated, and all information supplied to The Dog-groomer must be true.
By leaving your pet you agree that The Dog-groomer will not be held liable or responsible for irritation abrasion, patchiness or hair loss due to any pre-existing skin condition; or injury as a result of the process of grooming, de-matting, thinning, stripping, shaving, nail clipping, ear cleaning/plucking, emptying of anal glands; or any mishap caused.
If your pet bites or attempts to bite any person or pet, a muzzle may be used, or in extreme cases at the discretion of The Dog-groomer, treatment may stop and you agree to pay for all work done up that point and will pay the full cost of all damage and expense that the pet may have caused.
If you fail to collect the pet at the agreed time you agree to pay extra charges to The Dog-groomer for pet-sitting.
A minimum charge of £35 will be levied if you fail to attend on the day or provide less than 24 hours notice of cancellation
If your pet harbours any parasites, you agree to pay an extra cost for treatment, whether or not The Dog-Groomer has been able to contact you to let you know.
If your pet’s health causes concern, you will obtain veterinary treatment at your own expense.